Zoe Nightingale

Is A Pearl Necklace - The Perfect Holiday Gift?



Happy Holidays everyone!  I would be merry, but I am Hebrew... just kidding..! I long ago got over my anger about being a lonely Jewess on Christmas and have embraced a happier outlook on what always seemed to me to be the most superficial gift based pagan nonsense imaginable...so in that spirit.... I have a holiday treat for you right in time to slide into your Christmas trees DM's. It's a compilation of my favorite, most uncomfortable moments that I recorded (mostly secretly) of my parents.  My parents were both born in 1944, and grew up in very proper, Super Jew families. My mother to me always seemed like a person who got transported directly from a sock hop and never quite fit into modern times. She never said bad words, never talked about sex, never talked about anything remotely off color...and I was born...hmm how do I put this, a red eyed, spikey tailed devil creature...it's taken me a long time to become more like my mother and whats weird is the more I become like her, the more she seems to become