Kitty Talks

‘The Things You Are Passionate About Are Not Random They're Your Purpose’- Fabienne Fredrickson



“There is a song that only you can sing. And that song is a song that needs to be heard.”– Fabienne FredricksonIn this episode, you’ll hear about:My guest Fabienne, whose passion and purpose is being a catalyst of self-esteem, helping people express the fullest, most authentic version of themselves – in the biggest possible way. Her story will teach you to fight self-doubt, value your unique ability and passion, and follow it out of the comfort zone and into a bold career.Fabienne Fredrickson is a mentor, a consultant, and the founder of Boldheart, teaching personal and business growth to entrepreneurs who want to take their career to the next level, getting from 6 to 7 figures and gaining their life back. She is also a contributor for Forbes and the author of Embrace Your Magnificence: Get Out of Your Own Way and Live a Richer, Fuller, More Abundant Life.Guest: Fabienne FredricksonHosted By: Kitty WatersThis fantastic podcast will give you an insight and direction into reframing your shame and vulnerability,