Kitty Talks

Who Am I? What Do I Really Want and How Do I Get It? - Christine Hassler



“Be mindful, and be committed to see yourself differently: see in yourself with the eyes of love, forgive yourself, be kind to your body, make self-honouring choices, speak your truth.”– Christine HasslerIn this episode, you’ll hear about:My guest Christine, and her powerful commitment to help people get over it and on with it! When she lost everything – health, family, money, a brilliant career in Hollywood, and her fiancé – Christine decided to dedicate herself to speaking to others and transform their suffering. Today she is here to tell us all about personal transformation, and living into your full potential.Christine Hassler is a life coach, spiritual counsellor, and a generation Y expert. The best-selling author of The 20 Something Manifesto and Expectation Hangover: Free Yourself from Your Past, Change Your Present and Get What You Really Want, she is also a podcast and TV host.Guest: Christine HasslerHosted By: Kitty WatersThis fantastic podcast will give you an insight and direction into personal gr