Kitty Talks

Using Your Love Within To Guide You To Greater Life Choices - Preston Smiles



“Start where you are, use what you have and do what you can” – Preston SmilesIn this episode, you’ll hear about:My guest and his fantastic story of how he learnt from adversary he had endure during life and learnt to channel this into positive outcomes to embrace love and use this to enhance his life and lead a truly fulfilling lifestyle.Preston’s mission is to empower, inspire and ignite a mutli-generational movement of radical growth through conscious, creative content, acts of love and living boldly. He believes we’re here to leave the planet better than we found it, and he is committed to motivating others to join me on that mission, and live their best life NOW. He is a Personal Freedom Coach, who supports people in understanding & embracing their fears, so they can live the life of their dreamsGuests: Preston Smiles Hosted By: Kitty WatersThis phenomenal podcast will give you an insight and direction in to following your highest excitement.In this episode you will learn: • You can’t be embodied and