Kitty Talks

Unleash Your Strengths By Creating Meaningful Content Online - Katie Brockhusrt



“I either quit this business or I go and learn how to manage stress” – Katie BrockhurstIn this episode, you’ll hear about:My guest and her incredible story of how she followed her passion and allowed her path to define itself by exploring what kept her interested and inspired to be able to create a happy, successful and fulfilled lifestyle and career.From London, England with a solid background in broadcast, music and entertainment, working for Sony Music, BBC Radio DJ Dave Pearce and Wise Buddah Talent. Katie launched her own social media agency ’Kdot Online’ in 2007, when the social media industry was in its infancy, after winning a Gold Sony Radio Academy Award in the first ever Best Internet Programme (podcast) category . Kdot enjoyed a client roster that included corporate giants O2, Sony Music, Penguin Books & Harper Collins. However as Katie developed her business to match her own passions and life choices, in 2014 she wrapped up the agency and the demands of running an office, in order to go solo