Kitty Talks

Now is The Time to Find Your Intuitive Soul - Baljit Rayat



“Aligning to your purpose exposes your innate gifts”          - Baljit RayatToday we will open our eyes, hearts and mind to the wonderful world of Baljit Rayat. Baljit is an Akashic Records Consultant and Creative Visionary of Lotus Destiny. It is her commitment to raise the vibration of humanity and has worked with thousands of people worldwide to level-up their lives. She does this by uncovering the truths of who they are to the core, creating profound results in their businesses and relationships. She believes everything in this world is energy, and getting to the root of desire causes a powerful ripple that spans all areas of life. This interview is so interesting and informative you’ll want to listen repeatedly to take it all in! Here are just some of the highlights signposting what you’ll discover and learn: •  How to get to those gems of unseen gifts & talents we all have hidden and what to do when you find them•  What