Kitty Talks

Do Your Dharma Testimonial



Do Your Dharma - testimonials.With pretty much anything that’s advertised nowadays, our natural instinct is to look at reviews or read testimonials before deciding whether to book or buy. You may be on the fence; concerned about costs or even suspicious! So there’s nothing more reassuring than hearing other people’s experiences of what you’re interested in before committing.Today we chat with 3 past participants of our Do Your Dharma course who not only offer insights of what the course entails, but also reassurance that they are glad they took the leap! Listen in and hear how our guest today - Becky, Emily K and Row - have benefited from having been part of the Do Your Dharma community.Row shares her reasons for attending; realising it’s okay to put herself first; and confirming it’s never too late to start!Even though Emily K enjoyed her job she knew there had to be more to life, and how attending the course confirmed this...Becky, a mother of 5 with more free time since the children started school, shares