Kitty Talks

Leap And The Net Will Find You - Persia Lawson



“Leap and the net will appear.” - Persia LawsonWe are so happy and grateful that we have the lovely Persia Lawson joining us for a chat today. Persia is an author, speaker, millennial dating expert and The Times magazine calls her ‘one of the UK’s most successful love coaches’. A former actress, Persia is best known for co-founding positive lifestyle movement Addictive Daughter and co-authoring the book and app ‘The Inner Fix’ (Hodder & Stoughton, 2016) which has been dubbed “THE self-help book for the millennial generation.” Our guest has also trained in cognitive behavioural therapy, reiki and addiction studies, and has supported thousands of women (including some well-known celebrities) in radically transforming all aspects of their lives. Her work has featured in Vogue, Cosmopolitan, The Telegraph and she regularly writes for online dating site E-Harmony.During this fun, frank and very honest interview you’ll learn: not only that Persia was once a serial cheater and obsessive love addict, but also the