Kitty Talks

Make 2019 Your Best Year Yet



“Better to create your own future than to live one set by default.” ~ Kitty Waters.New year is such a wonderful time to reset ourselves after the excesses of Christmas though not only for this reason; the Christmas period also gives us time to reflect on life. Maybe you feel you are plodding along, or on the hamster-wheel of life going 100 miles an hour but getting nowhere. Are you perhaps thinking that there must be more to life? Maybe life is good for you, but you want to level-up so it’s even better... You’re in luck! 2019 really is the best year to do this! Not only because a new year offers a blank canvas for us to build from, but also this year is a ‘three year’ in Numerology - tune in and hear what this means for us!Today, Kitty also openly shares ways that we can achieve our goals, dreams and heart’s desires. Listen in and take notes, there’s lots to learn! For instance:•  Simple tools you can use to plot the year ahead so you can manifest a better life for yourself.•  Kitty r