Kitty Talks

How to Cultivate Joy - Jolinda Johnson



“A woman’s fertility thrives on her ability to create, to grow, to receive, and to cultivate joy in all areas of her life.” ~Jolinda JohnsonWe share our time with another beautiful soul today to talk about all things life-affirming and life-giving.  Jolinda Johnson is a Fertility Coach who wants every woman who feels called to motherhood to have the best chance at conceiving the baby of her dreams. Jolinda works with women who have what it takes to change the quality of their lives as much as the quality of their eggs! Some of her clients are warriors while others are goddesses, but all of them are women who haven’t given up hope and refuse to give up on themselves. Jolinda opens up to us today and shares her incredible life journey: from the blessings of being born into a loving, spiritual family to the darkness of suffering anorexia from a very tender age. She confesses to willingly handing over her power and losing touch with herself, to finding the strength to reclaim her autonomy, totally