Kitty Talks

Inside My Business - Kitty Waters



“Focus on, and do what you love - follow your passions!” ~Kitty Waters.Today our lovely host invites us in to take a peek behind-the-scenes of her many businesses. As this is a woman who likes to have her fingers in many pies, with the majority being six-figure successes, you might want to listen in! Kitty will also share how she keeps herself in flow while maintaining and managing a wide variety of occupations.  Not only will you learn how she embraces what she loves to do, but also how she deals with the aspects that don’t fill her with joy...   The guidance in this podcast may just take you by surprise as it’s not the usual ‘How to Run a Business’ advice. Listen in to learn why. Other highlights include: •Certain areas of conventionally running a business with which Kitty totally disagrees. •Do you think you need to be good at all aspects of your business? Think again...•Have you ever heard of ‘energy types’? Learn about these, and how the knowledge can be applied to unde