Kitty Talks

How To Create a Brighter World - Helen Rebello



“I believe if we all learn to live in a way that lights us up, together we will create a brighter world” ~ Helen RebelloA personal friend of Kitty’s joins us today, and we welcome Helen Rebello to the show. Helen is a Women’s Empowerment leader,  an author and a speaker. Her book, Magical Unfolding, offers a new way of looking at the world and a proven step-by-step process for getting clear on who you are, why you're here and what you want. It makes you question what life is all about, how it got to feel this way and how itʹs possible to change it.  Helen will be sharing not only how she listened to her intuition to contact Kitty and how their friendship blossomed, but also her incredible journey that has taken her from a dysfunctional relationship with parents to a squat with an abusive, controlling partner that robbed her of her sense of power and self worth leaving her broken mentally and physically. Learn how, by listening to her inner voice, she escaped the horror