Kitty Talks

Know what you want not how you are going to get it! - Kitty Waters



“Anything and everything is possible if we do our dharma.” ~ Kitty WatersDo you desire to live the life of your dreams but just don’t know how you’ll get there? Are you stuck in a job/relationship/lifestyle that no longer bring you joy because of fears and worries about what happens next? If so, then listening to this episode will reassure you that you only need to know what it is you want to do, not how you get there.  During this solocast Kitty will clearly explain the reasons you don’t need to know the “How?” Just know your heart’s desire, focus on your passion and the rest will miraculously fall into place. Not only will why this works be made evidently clear, but you’ll also learn: •That you have unique gifts & talents, and that you are here to make a difference in the world. Learn how to implement these by taking a step-by-step journey towards your dharma.•That taking risks and stepping out of your comfort zone is heading in the right direction towards living your dreams.•Tips an