Kitty Talks

Is it time to put fear to one side? - Adi Areezini



“if you are honest and true to yourself, and if you put fear aside, you will improve the conditions of your life.” - Adi Arezzini Today we are honoured to spend time with the delightful Adi Arezzini. Adi is a wellness entrepreneur and the co-founder & CEO of Teami - a company that filled a gap in the market for quality, cleansing teas. After she joined the Israeli army to shake up her life, she started having health issues. Addicted to coffee, exhausted, constipated and bloated, Adi’s digestive system just stopped working. In search of an alternative to drugs or medicine, Adi read books about colon health and the negative effects accumulated toxins can have on your body. Adi started blending her own high quality loose leaf tea until she created the perfect formulation to help solve her own digestive issues. Today’s interview is a true testament to what Kitty teaches: that if you follow the breadcrumbs everything you need for progression will appear, like magic! Listen in and learn how