
Rand(Nerds); Episode 146



Welcome to episode 146. We do try to stay relevant to gaming but ended up going down a rabbit hole of old school internet and a short 2003 German indie film. Skazz has not been having a good time playing the new Kirby game. His kids however disagree We discuss Apple remove of google stadia and Microsoft steaming services. as well as having a very uninformed option on the removal of epic and fortnight from the store and the pending lawsuit Returning to games. Ram had been running a spy agency Phantom Doctrine. Although his more  akin to Austin Powers then James Bond Plus we also discuss Ram Warhammer shame pile and his Indomitus update, plus we look at our listeners breakdown Notes Take a peek into the internet of the past with Other.com Or save your time sleuthing with the link to the famous indie file Hangtime (2003) Plus view the history of the actor who portrayed the famous role of Bear of a man Turns out Skazz is famous on that other major database site,  tuxdB The game that quite literally suck