Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart

Pragmatic Tools for Creating a Relationship That Creates



Ask Susan Now ~ Susan Lazar Hart Radio Show What if it were possible to have a sense of joy and ease in every relationship no matter what’s going on? Regardless of what your partner is choosing? What if YOU could choose happiness and the creation of your life at all times and what if your relationship could contribute to that? Are you willing to have it? Are you willing to have the joy and exuberance of life? Are you willing to have a relationship that’s kind, caring and nurturing to you and your body? No matter what? Even if it means letting go of everything you’ve decided relationship is? Even if means letting go of the judgments that you have of you, of your body, of your partner? Even if it means creating a relationship that is so different from the points of view of this reality that no one else gets it and lots of people judge it? If you said yes, then here we go! Thank you to Simone Milasas- These questions were taken right from your fabulous blog on Access Consciousness. How’s that working for you?  H