
Rand(Nerds); Episode 36 – E3 2015 special



In this episode, we’re joined by a new nerd chalky and we look at E3  2015 and pick some of our choice games. We have a look at the possible  new Shenmue 3 game, funded by kickstarter, (forklift driving and  accurate weather unconfirmed) we assess dog like monsters with The Last  Guardian and game in the style of Ico. Their are two shock revelations,  Skazz is surprised by the xbone now being backward compatible and Ram  has a shock about Final Fantasy 7. We look at the disappointment of both the PC gamer show and the  Nintendo Conference. Ram picks a smattering of games with Dishonored 2,  No man sky, Doom, X-com 2, SOMA, Deus Ex: Mankind divided and Fallout 4  plus a stupid Elder Scroll CCP. Skazz has been playing with Some new  capture cards with the Elgato HD60 and Bard talks about the Batman:  Arkham Knight launch issues Notes The cult game about driving forklifts Shenmue 3 Enjoy a game with dog/dragon thing that will probably die with The Last Guard