
Rand(Nerds); Episode 39



After another hiatus, the Rand(Nerds); return (well bard turns up  later – SPOILERS) to bring you episode 39. Both Ram and Skazz have been  playing a defecation simulator with ARK survival evolved and managed to  hunt dinosaurs and build a thatch house. Skazz has been been playing the  new Halo game with Destiny: The Taken King and his annoyance with robot  voices. Ram been watches a modern version of the x-files with J. J.  Abrams Fringe, a TV series featuring and FBI agent, conman, stoned mad  scientist and a cow. We very briefly discuss iTunes now effectively  being illegal in the UK thanks to the ‘UK Music’ and ‘Basca’  winning a  idiotic ruling, but before we can too in depth, we are disturbed by  Bards arrival, just in time for weird news. Notes You too can have a poo with Ark: Survival Evolved And have a look at Ram’s first impression Listen to a re-dubbed robot with Destiny: The Taken King One of J.J. Abrams better series, Fringe How idiots in the