
Rand(Nerds); Episode 55



Welcome to the Rand(Nerds); Podcast episode 55 Skazz had been playing one of Ram’s favorite games, Deus Ex. Hes having a hard time getting into it so Ram tries to sell it to using a weird cake analogy and tales on how to abuse the game. Skazz has also been playing on private Vanilla World Of Warcraft servers,we talk about how nice the first version was ad Blizzard business practices. We also discuss other MMO’s out there including what Ram wants from an MMO We have a brief discussion into the TV series of Westworld, with some minor spoilers Ram has been experiencing the life of a American teenager girl with time travel powers in Life is Strange, He concluded that high school is horrible and talks about the weird way he plays these games. We discuss the end of the WiiU, the new Nintendo switch and where it will sit in the market and its cost, the loss of LAN gaming and how gaming is now more unsocial. Notes: The original and in our view the best of the series: Deus Ex: Game of the Year edition Facing return to