
Rand(Nerds); Episode 126



Welcome to Episode 126 We kick off with discussing the game we played for Halloween, Outlast, we discuss how a great story can have poor execution and poor environmental storytelling, and how other games do it better. As well as some of the better animation and moments. TheSuffolkRam starts talking about a game he didn’t end up playing with Bear With Me, an old school style point and click adventure in a Noir style with an interesting premise but some poor writing and design choices. He then moves onto a more interesting game with Inside, an indie game with both and interesting style and story open to interpretation and some beautiful animation and lighting effects. He then talks about I Am Monther, a sci-fi film released this year with some fantastic CGI and an old fashioned storyline Notes: Cliche survival horror game Outlast. Plus check out our let’s play here Very old school style point and click adventure in Bear With Me An excellent example of environmental storytelling in Inside. Low budget but excelle