Gaming Under Fire

Stadia, Apple Arcade, Division doing well, Anthem Updates, Are class games skilled?



This week Tazz is all jacked up on BANG energy drink! And we find out he's a weakling for caffeine compared to Trax. Everyone is announcing Cloud/Subscription services for gaming including Google, Microsoft, and Apple. The Division 2 has been doing excellent in reviews and is setting the bar for what a game as a live service should look like. Anthem has a slew of updates coming and while some are welcome, others are a little more puzzling. Apex Legends new legend and battle pass is out, both are being met with a very "meh" response. Rainbow Six Siege is working on friendly fire griefers and potentially some changes to some OP attackers are in the works. Tazz and Trax find themselves locked in a dance of Arena Shooter vs Class Shooter and which is "more skilled." What do you think? Email and let us know! Halo, Black Ops, Battlefiled V, Overwatch all covered in double taps! Don't Forget to Rate and Review the Show on iTunes! Email the show: Gaming Under Fire Mixer Gaming Under Fire