Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Interview with Sarah Sentilles, author of "Stranger Care"



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.In this episode we interview Sarah Sentilles, author of a newly released book by Random House titled Stranger Care. "Stranger Care" is a beautifully written book that captures the promise and often the failure of foster care. And it is a beautiful portrait of love with no promise of a future.In this episode, we cover:Beautifully written book that captures the promise and often the failure of foster care. And a beautiful portrait of love with no promise of a future.·      How did you come to the decision to become foster parents? And did you come to that decision or were you really trying to become an adoptive parent?·     Discussion of “ethically cleaner”.·      I appreciated how you showed Evelyn, the birth mom, to be human and to love her child. You did a good job of showing the nuances, which are hard to do, especially when you are the one losing the child. I very much enjoyed seeing how that relationship grew. What helped change i