Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

How to Become a Foster Parent



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.Have you ever thought about becoming a foster parent but didn't know where to begin? This is the show for you! We talk with Vicki Ochoa, State Director for South Carolina MENTOR, an organization that provides an array of child and family services, on the ins and outs of becoming a foster parent.In this episode, we cover:Why should you become a foster parent?What is the role of a foster parent?What are the expectations of what a foster parent will do?How to become a foster parent.How do you get licensed to be a foster parent?How much training is required?What type of ongoing training is required?Do you have to own your home? How big does your house need to be?How many kids can you have already in your home?What agency can you work with to become licensed?Who places the child with you?What are the needs of kids in foster care?How is the decision made as to which child or children should be placed in your home?Can you specify the age, gender,