Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

A Panel of Birth Moms Talk About Adoption



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.We talk with a panel of birth moms about their adoption experience. What is the adoption experience for birth mothers and what do they think of some of the controversies in adoption, such as pre-birth matching, adoptive parents at the hospital, adoptive mother breastfeeding, etc. In this episode, we cover:Tell us what your child’s adoption looks like.What are your ideas on:Options counseling being provided by adoption agencies—is there a conflict of interest.Pre-birth matchingSome have stated that an infant should go into temporary or foster care for a time (usually 1-2 months) between birth and placement as a revocation period. Fundraising for adoptionAdoptive parent breastfeeding.What did you look for in adoptive parents?There is a lot of talk in adoption world about subtle and not so subtle forms of coercion that could influence a mom’s decision to place. Hopeful adoptive parents attend doctor appointments.Adoptive parents being present at t