Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

IVF from the Male Partner's Perspective



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.What's IVF like for the male partner? We spend a lot of time talking about the experience of infertility treatment for the person going through treatment, but what about their partner? We talk with Keegan Prue, the author of "The IVF Dad." He and his wife Olivia went through two rounds of IVF and suffered two miscarriages before welcoming their daughter. In this episode, we cover:Tell us your story to parenthood.The imagined role of the male partner: strong, supportive, and not needing support.Media messages about men that impact how they can respond to infertility: men take action to fix problems, showing emotion makes you weak, real men don’t ask for or need help, real men are virile, being a father is part of what makes you a man.What are some things that you learned that the male partner can do to improve the quality or quantity of sperm.What are some common emotions men or those supporting a person trying to get pregnant mig