Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Making Peace with Living Child Free



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.How do you know when enough is enough? What do you do when infertility treatment and adoption don't end up with you having a child. Join us to talk with Rebecca and Sallyann Majoya, co-authors of the memoir Uncertain Fruit, and Carole LieberWilkins, a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist providing individual and couples counseling, as well as psychoeducational consultations, for those moving into alternative paths to parenthood and living child-free.In this episode, we cover:Deciding to live child-free is becoming increasingly common in the US. Research has found that 30 percent of women of childbearing age identifying wanting to live child-free. However, that is not reflective of the people we are speaking to who have likely tried infertility treatment or adoption and it hasn’t worked for them.What is the right name: childfree or childless? Are you childfree by choice or childfree not by choice?Age is less of a biological cut off point