Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Birth Parent Experiences in Adoption



Click here to send us a topic idea or question for Weekend Wisdom.Everyone connected to adoption needs to listen to this show. We talk about a new research report on how birth parents experience adoption. The results will surprise you! Our guest are the two main authors: Ryan Hanlon is the Executive Director of The National Council for Adoption, the national adoption organization providing resources and education for all people and organizations in the adoption world and advocating for sound adoption policies; and Laura Bruder is the Executive Director of Brave Love, an organization dedicated to changing the perception of adoption by acknowledging birth moms for their brave decision.In this episode, we cover:The Birth Parent Experiences report is based on the responses of 1,160 birth mothers and 239 birth fathers.Were these all domestic infant adoption rather than adoptions from foster care?Birth mothers who placed their child for adoption in 2010 or later were much more likely to report satisfaction with the