Colin Bradley Art Cast

Unveiling Demonstrations - 194



Announcing a brand new section to Colin Bradley Art: DemonstrationsBack when I would travel the country doing demonstrations at shows and art groups, I would show off just how good the pastel pencils can be. I loved this part of the job because of the audience reaction. The “oohs” and “aahs” were actually audible in the crowd, they were seeing magic.When we choose projects for our students, we have to think about how the subject material will translate to a lesson. Would it make a good lesson and would the student be able to do it?Well, with Demonstrations I am truly showing what the Pastel Pencils can do and more importantly, how far you can take them.In truth, I have surprised myself with the work I have produced. I didn’t intend for people to follow them as a project as they are very difficult. It’s more to show you advanced techniques and the results you can achieve with the pencils.If you have read my art story then you will know I am an avid fan of John Constable’s work. In this first demonstration I w