Colin Bradley Art Cast

Secrets Behind Impressionism - 195



"Impressionism is like a statement that you make without a structure."In this podcast Colin describes the work he's doing with impressionism and how best to describe how it feels "alive" comparing it to photography. What's the secret behind it? We discuss in the podcast.We also read your emails and and answer your questions. Colin gives some tips for working with Pen & Ink and watercolour paper he uses. We talk about the reaction to the Constable Demonstration and also reminisce on the days where Colin would run in person workshops travelling around the country.If you haven't already seen the Constable demonstration click here to learn more: a transcription of the episode below:Stephen Bradley: hello and welcome to Colin Bradley art cast, I'm Stephen BradleyColin Bradley: and I'm Colin BradleyStephen Bradley: how is it going?Colin Bradley: well, it's going well Steve I am having a ball at the moment.Stephen Bradley: well, sin