Colin Bradley Art Cast

Technical Art Q&A



In this episode Colin answers some more technical questions to do with art. These questions include:- Will fixative always dull and darken the appearance of a finished pastel piece? Or does it mean I've used too much? Is there an alternative?- Would you ever use normal cartridge paper for pastels or is it best to use specific paper for pastels?- What is the best technique for adding really sharp/crisp, detailed white whiskers over the top of layered pastels on animal portraits?- With so many different brands of pastels and papers, how do I choose which to buy? - When selling prints, do you provide a copy of the signed original and then sign it again with the limited edition number or do you photograph it prior to signing so that the print has an original signature on it with a duplication?Thanks to Teresa for sending the questions in, we hope people find the answers interesting and stay tuned for another Q & A podcast next week on the business of art!