Speculative Grammarian Podcast

The No. 1 Linguists’ Detective Agency



The No. 1 Linguists’ Detective Agency; by Keith W. Slater; From Volume CLXIV, Number 1, of Speculative Grammarian, February 2012 — M̥ma Makutsi had just poured the tea. Red bush tea for M̥ma Ramotswe, and ordinary tea for M̥ma Makutsi, who preferred ordinary tea and had told M̥ma Ramotswe so, though not until after a long period of uneasiness and indecision. That had been in the early days of the Agency, before M̥ma Makutsi had become an Assistant Detective and had become engaged to the morphologist Phuti Redupliphuti, indeed even before M̥ma Ramotswe, who founded the Agency, had become the wife of Mr. N.L.P. Matekoni, the finest computational linguist in all of Gabarone, in all of Botswana, perhaps even in all of Africa. Botswana had been little different then, of course, but the lives of so many linguists had changed in those few short years. Lives were always changing, M̥ma Ramotswe reflected, and one could never predict beforehand in what way they would change. (Read by Keith Slater.)