Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Coming to Terms with Infertility Grief Before You Adopt or Foster



Are you thinking about stopping infertility treatment and trying to adopt or foster? Join us to talk with Carole LieberWilkins,a Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist who has specialized in reproductive medicine, adoption, and family-building options since 1986, and is the co-author of the book, Let’s Talk About Egg Donation. Carole serves on the Advisory Board of the US Donor Conceived Council, and is an active member of the American Society of Reproductive Medicine Mental Health Professional Group. She is also a mom through adoption and egg donation.In this episode, we cover:Adoptive parenting is the same as, and very different from, genetic parenting. Ways in which raising adopted children is different. Ways in which it is the same.Fostering has some significant differences from genetic parenting, including adopting from foster care.What are the losses of infertility?How to know when you are ready to stop fertility treatments and move to adoption or fostering? What are the signs of readiness?The myth of n