Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Problematic Sexual Behavior



Do you worry about what is normal in your child's sexual development? Join us to talk with Roy Van Tassell , a Licensed Professional Counselor in Oklahoma and Director of Trauma and Evidence-based Interventions for Centene Health. He co-chairs the National Child Traumatic Stress Networks’ subcommittee on children with problem sexual behaviors.Warning: We will be using anatomically correct words and talking about sex, so if this offends you or triggers you, you may want to skip this podcast.In this episode, we cover:Typical Sexual Development / PlayWhat is typical sexual development in children as they age?What type of sexual play is considered “normal?”How should parents manage a child’s natural sexual development?Problematic Sexual BehaviorsWhat are Problem Sexual Behaviors in Children?What causes kids and youth to act in socially unacceptable or destructive sexual ways? What factors influence the development of these behaviors?Child vulnerabilitiesBehavior problemsEmotional difficultiesDevelopmental de