Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Adopting or Fostering a Child Who Identifies as LGBTQ+



Have you wondered if you could be the right place for an LGBTQ+ youth or child to land? Join us to talk about how to be an affirming and supportive home for LGBTQ+ youth. Or guest will be Angela Weeks, the Director of the National SOGIE Center at the Institute for Innovation and Implementation. Under the Center, she directs the Center of Excellence for LGBTQ+ Behavioral Health Equity and the National Quality Improvement Center on Tailored Services, Placement Stability, and Permanency for LGBTQ2S Children and Youth in Foster Care.In this episode, we cover:Why are these young people over represented in child welfare?LGBTQ+ youth are 1.5 -2 times more likely to have a foster placement failure. Why?What does the research indicate about how sexual orientation and gender identity are formed?Are LGBTQ+ youth more likely to have a mental health diagnosis or behavioral issues.Are LGBTQ+ youth more likely than heterosexual or cisgender young people to sexually abuse or otherwise pose a threat to others, including child