Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Navigating Sticky Birth Parent Situations



How do you handle a birth parent showing up to a meeting with the child stoned or drunk? What do you do when a birth parent often breaks promises to the child? Join us to talk about nine sticky situations that adoptive parents often find themselves in. Our guest is Lori Holden, the author of The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption: Helping Your Child Grow Up Whole.In this episode, we cover:What do we mean by openness and why is openness or some form of a relationship considered best for adopted kids?Difficult/Sticky Situation #1: Birth Parent Addiction to drugs or alcohol.How to handle things when a birth parent shows up for a meeting with a child high or stoned.How to set healthy boundaries with birth parents who are addicted? How to set these boundaries when you have an open adoption with a birth parent dealing with addiction?Explaining drug addiction of birth parents to children.Difficult/Sticky Situation #2: Failing to show up for meetings/visits or showing up late?Determining the cause.How do you protect y