Creating A Family: Talk About Infertility, Adoption & Foster Care

Identical Twins Separated at Birth



What happens when identical twins born in Vietnam are separated by adoption, with one adopted by a US family and one adopted by a Vietnamese family? Join us to talk with Erika Hayasaki, a journalist and author of Somewhere Sisters: A Story of Adoption, Identity and the Meaning of Family.In this episode, we cover:The story.Twin studies.Adoption studies.The similarities of the twins in your story and in twin studies.The differences between the twins in your story and in twin studies.ReunitingHow did the twins' reunion affect them, their family in Vietnam, and their adopted family in the US?Complications that the disparate degrees of wealth caused.Adoptive parents’ role in reunion.Twin studies referenced:Polderman, T., Benyamin, B., de Leeuw, C. et al. Meta-analysis of the heritability of human traits based on fifty years of twin studies. Nat Genet 47, 702–709 (2015). based on the research cited above: MaTCH. This website provides a resource for the heritability of all