Camaradas Del Frente

"EL SOLDADO DESCONOCIDO DE LA SEGUNDA GUERRA MUNDIAL TIENE AHORA SU MONUMENTO" MORGENAVISEN, NORUEGAEscuchamos las orugas de los tanques que se aproximan. – Un T-34. Nos tienen...

El Comisario

Heide suelta un grito, salta por los aires y aterriza al otro lado de la cuneta, donde se escurre por el lodo como una excavadora. Nuestro carro empieza a retroceder con toda su...

Prisión Gpu

"UN NARRADOR EXTRAORDINARIO" DE TELEGRAAF, HOLANDAPor lo menos un batallón de carros lanzallamas gira alrededor de si mismo como una manada de jabalís enloquecidos. Largas,...

Los Vi Morir

"UNA BRILLANTE DESCRIPCIÓN DE LA GUERRA" MIROIR DE L’HISTOIRE, FRANCIAPorta lucha por mantener el pesado carro blindado entre la columna de soldados. Un momento de descuido y...

General Ss

Está congelando a -38oC. Stalingrado, inverno de 1942-1943. Um vento frio varre as planícies, jogando cristais de gelo em nossos rostos. Estamos marchando por milhares de corpos...

Reign Of Hell

Rumor has it; they are being moved to Warsaw. Heide, who is always informed, claims that all hell is loose over there. There is talk of a German pullback from the eastern...


Porta struggles to keep the heavy tank between the marching soldiers. One moment of inattention, and he will bulldoze an entire company. An enormous fireball strikes the bushes in...

Comrades Of War

We hear the crawlers closing in. A T-34. They must have seen us, Tiny whispers. - Stay low until it is right here, then we run! The horrible clattering of the crawler comes closer...

The Commissar

Heide wails, jumps up and lands on the other side of the trench, where he slides through the mud like a bulldozer. Our tank starts backing up in full speed. Porta has clearly also...

Monte Cassino

Monte Cassino, the sacred monastery north west of Naples. The Germans have built massive defense positions. The battle of Monte Cassino in the winter and spring of 1944 turns into...

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