Lighten Up With Bonnie Wirth On Empower Radio

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The beautiful spiritual experience of being human! During this inspirational hour of conversation and interviews "Lighten Up" with Bonnie Wirth is sure to enhance and empower you to celebrate life. It's a weekly pick me up to shift perspective and create balance between being spiritual and human.Through her "it's all good" philosophy, Bonnie shares her expertise supported by her special brand of coaching. Bringing her unique consciousness toolkit, compassion for the human condition and intuitive gifts to her weekly show, you can gather insight into creating your inspired life!Tune in to develop a healthy relationship with yourself and embrace the gift of freedom to shine bright, beautifully, and authentically you! Totally #WIRTHit


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    Many highly gifted mediums struggle with accepting their Soul's calling. Afraid of being judged as weird, eccentric or crazy, a large majority of individuals hide their abilities and fall into the trap of self-denial and self-rejection. Discover how to break free from the unhealthy consciousness of medium-ship and embrace your gifts with new found appreciation and purpose.

  • Drama-Less


    More often than not, we create our own drama during peaceful, calm stages in life without even realizing. Through boredom, restlessness, and feeling low, ego takes control. Learn how to move beyond ego drama and flow in tune with the universe to create miracles and magic in your life.

  • Beauty of Darkness


    Spiritual communities place a lot of emphasis on positivity. The focus is on getting better, being happier and very often, spiritually bypassing our very human self. Discover how embracing the darker aspects of our psyche and owning our shadows is a vital part of our spiritual journey.

  • For the Love of Self


    We can get so caught up in daily life-work, kids, relationships, errands, and family commitments-that we leave little time for ourselves. Making an effort to care for our well being can often be an over-looked spiritual practice. Discover how self-care is essential to our soul's most purpose-filled journey.

  • Purpose Please


    Many people feel like they are here to play a bigger role in life; to make a bigger difference in the world but are not sure how. We can put a lot of unnecessary pressure on ourselves to find our purpose. Learn how to solve the mystery of what you're meant to do with your life.

  • Spiritual Rush Hour


    Hurt, frustration, pain, sadness and anger are all natural and healthy parts of the human experience. Many people on the spiritual path try to hurry their way through their healing journey by ignoring how they truly feel and avoiding anything negative at all cost. It’s like being stuck in rush hour traffic, with one foot on the gas and the other on the brake. Discover how unpleasant experiences and negative emotions are essential to living a balanced, conscious, and loving life.

  • This Moment


    We live our daily lives never really aware of how important 'the moment' we are living is for us. It is easy to be distracted by memories of the past and dreams of the future. Bringing to light how the now moment is the most important place to be. Now is where it begins.

  • Spirit Speaks


    Remember the famous line, “I see dead people”? Well, that’s what it’s like for a Medium - seeing, hearing, and talking with those who have crossed. A conversation about mediums, myths and connecting to the other side.

  • Sacred Union Rising


    Universal shifts and changes involve dealing with the unknown which can be frightening and disruptive to every area of our life including how we interact with Spirit and the Divine. Many of the spiritual practices and guiding principles are evolving as the Sacred Union of the Divine Feminine and Masculine energy begins to harmonize. Grow in trust in yourself, Spirit and the Divine and discover how these energetic changes are nothing more than the absolute perfection and magnificence of the process of Divine Order - greater purpose unfolding.

  • Be Yours


    The greatest struggle in life is the struggle to accept, embrace and love ourselves. On a holiday for the expression of love and celebration of others, including ourselves in the equation is equally important. Be your own Valentine by discovering how true love for yourself is the key to finding true love in life.

  • Victim to Victory


    Being in a perpetual state of a victim mindset uses up our entire life. It leaves us feeling unhappy, unfulfilled and living with regret. A lot of people slip into thinking of themselves as victims due to their past experiences and believe that have little or no control over their lives. There are ways to shift from the victimized stance. Sharing powerful tips to help you break free from the victim mindset and claim victory over your past.

  • Heaven Sent


    Most people sense Spirit before they ever see, hear or notice any other signs. Through physical signs, presence and dreams, our Loved Ones communicate with us. Discussing the most common signs and tell-tale symptoms that Spirit is present with you and trying to get your attention.

  • Easy Six


    Thinking about new beginnings brings excitement into our lives. Whether it's a new job, a new relationship or a new place to live, we love the feeling of newness! The same holds true as we begin this new year of Spiritual Connection! Discover six easy steps to incorporate into your spiritual practice that will support you in making this a year of being and inspired-doing instead of wishful dreaming.

  • Growing Pains


    Every true spiritual journey is a quest to discover who we truly are and what life is all about. Every journey will have its share of growing pains; highs and lows, laughs and tears, moments of total bliss and moments of complete uncertainty and self-doubt. Discover the common struggles of the spiritual path. Learn how your growing pains are actually signs that you are on the right track and serve as the catalyst in propelling you forward to becoming more authentic than ever before.

  • Anxiety Loop


    Everyone feels anxious sometimes. Challenging situations can lead a person to feel sad, lonely, scared, nervous, or anxious. Negative feelings can be "normal" reactions to life's stressors. Discover practical and spiritual strategies for change; overcoming fear and anxiety is possible!

  • Ho Hum Holidays


    With the holiday season approaching many people can experience a mixed bag of emotions. For some, it’s their favorite time of year. For others, it brings feelings of sadness and loss; feeling depressed or anxious is not unusual during the holidays.These feelings may be even worse for those who have experienced a loss of a loved one. Here's some insight on how to healthfully face the holidays honoring grief with a sense of hope.

  • People Pleasing Paradigm


    Wanting to make people happy is not an intrinsic negative quality; it is great to know that we can make a positive impact in someone's life. However, there is a big a difference to being a kind human and being a people-pleaser, especially at the expense of our own wants, needs and desires. Today on the show discover how to cultivate healthy relationships to ensure you are pleasing yourself first.

  • How May I Serve


    Many people feel there is a true purpose to their life. They have an innate drive or pull to do something that has depth and meaning, which continues to gnaw and poke within, and yet they have not found or discovered what it is. Sharing tips to support you with revealing how it is you are being called to serve.

  • In Balance


    We all struggle at times to find work-life balance. We can become overwhelmed by personal and professional responsibilities, and the need to energize and balance our soul-mind-body is essential. Ultimately the perfect work-life balance is the one we create for ourselves. Sharing steps you can take to change what isn’t working to regain some balance in your life.

  • Times Like These


    We have all had days, and maybe even years, when life just does not seem to go our way. We have all faced different levels of heartbreak, setbacks, disappointments, burnout, stress and sadness. We have all been tempted to lose hope, especially with everything playing out in the world around us. Discussing how times like these call us to take conscious action.

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